5th – 6th October 2024, at the Enabling Village Function Room

Pasar Glamour is a not-for-profit social enterprise run wholly by volunteers who work closely with clothing donors, many of whom are from the entertainment, media and fashion sectors.


Total Funds Disbursed
Organisations Supported
Individuals Supported


"In 2022, Pasar Glamour made a generous donation to AWARE, HOME and Limitless from their sale held the previous year. Their invaluable support helped AWARE to remain stable in a post-Covid world, allowing us to maintain crucial support services for women-in-need while furthering our efforts to eliminate gender-based barriers."
Corrina Lim, Executive Director of AWARE
"Pasar Glamour didn’t just help to spread the important message about youth mental health in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic; the S$20,000 that you helped to raise on our behalf that year helped us provide 307 therapy sessions for youths struggling with their mental health in 2022! "
"Pasar Glamour is a great charity event!

We at Arc Children’s Centre are thankful to be repeat recipients of this glittery pasar of good will and big hearts."
ARC Children's Centre
"When Petrina Kow asks, you don’t say no you understand? But seriously. It’s a no brainer. You share what gave you joy, you serve many good causes, you get to shop for superbly curated bargains and you make space for new clothes and shoes. Win x 100 lah!"
Lu-Lyn Chang